Who is AASGAA – Australian Association to Stop Guardianship and Administration Abuse?
AASGAA was created after two female advocates, one in South Australia and one in Victoria(our secretary Christine Dalas), experienced the horrors of guardianship and public trustees, fighting for their loved ones. Other advocates who have experienced abuses at the hands of the system also assisted us whilst continuing their advocacy(which we are thankful for). We now have a handful of core advocates who are fighting for changes.
AASGAA is an incorporated Australian not-for-profit organisation, that provides lived experiences and knowledge as a free information service.
Guardianship and administration, also called trustees, exist in all states and territories in Australia.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales (NSW), Northern Territory (NT), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (Tas), Victoria (Vic), and Western Australia (WA).
We highlight and inform about the rights of people victimised under guardianship and administration. We advocate for people, families, and carers to regain their decision-making(if appropriate, in some cases limited orders are needed for the protection of the person with a disability) and lives supported.
We are not against guardianship and administration (trustee).
When state tribunals (who are NOT a court, do NOT adhere to rules of evidence,) get involved, with massive conflicts of interest.
Who plays that role:
* state public guardians, who are paid, strangers.
* state public trustees, who are paid, strangers.
* state advocates, who are paid, strangers.
* private guardian, not paid, family or friends.
* private administration, not paid, family or friends.
* NDIS providers, paid. (Often claim pseudo guardian when public guardian/trustee claims authority over a person).
* Aged care, paid. (Often claim pseudo guardian when public guardian/trustee claims authority over a person).
* Child fostering.
* Medical staff claim authority, not given.
* Legal staff claim authority, not given.
We are a support group. We share stories and offer support and information on ways to navigate the unsuspecting pitfalls of public guardianship and public administration (trustees).
We are not aligned with any political parties, government organizations, or political movements. We share information and knowledge with the well-known American group NASGA (National Association to Stop Guardianship Abuse), and work with Coz Whitten-Skaife who took over as a guardianship advocate representing the late Marti Oakley.
Our core members undergo police clearance checks before advocating or supporting vulnerable people on behalf of AASGAA.
Our secretary Christine Dalas has a current Working with Children Check and Police Clearance, with a no criminal record certificate and has never been charged or arrested, ever, in regards to any matters.
AASGAA has never been involved with organising anti-lockdown rallies.
When dealing with the vulnerable, AASGAA endeavours to ensure that those assisting are trustworthy, of good character, and free from conflicts of interest.
In other parts of the world, guardianship and administration are referred to differently (ie conservatorship in the USA) but the core system and abuses are the same.