Wakley award-winning "State Control" featured 14th March 2022. Thank you Anne Connolly, Ali Russell, and ABC Four Corners for exposing the abuses in public guardianship and public trustees.

Guardianship and Public Trustees in Australia exist in all States: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.

Christine Dalas and AASGAA featured in State Control, as did other well-respected advocates and victims. AASGAA is not affiliated with any political movements, or political parties and deals only with guardianship, and administration matters. Our formal organisation of carers and victims is attempting to reform the current guardianship system that allows the ease of government bodies to step in and take over the decision-making human rights of our vulnerable.

Our secretary Christine Dalas is a qualified accountant of CPA status (Certified Practicing Accountant) and has a valid current Working with Children Check and a current Police Clearance Certificate. 
AASGAA have never been involved with organising anti-lockdown rallies and these malicious statements are currently being dealt with by our legal team.