Your orders (guardianship or otherwise) have been revoked!"

Sweet words many wish(and sometimes) hear once orders have been removed and one's life and decision-making rights are restored back to the person subject to the orders (or alternatively their loved ones take over from a public guardian/trustee, when the person with a disability lacks capacity).

But then what?

Often we hear and see at AASGAA: crying, anger, disbelief, revenge (yes, many still in revengeful mode) but often we witness just plain relief, especially when a decision has been overturned that should of not been made in the first place. Many are stunned, really are lost that they have 'their life back', and for others it takes a while to adjust to their new found freedom.

One member told me that for many years óthers' were making decisions on her behalf(via guardianship orders) and the day she was 'set free'', she actually felt a sense of relief but fearful of her future.

Like a caged bird who finally had the door swung open and set free to do as she pleased yet, was so conditioned and dependant on a system that encouraged entrapment (and profits from the capture quite handsomely). Yet she did not actually know how to function as a free woman. Even carers are often overwhelmed with the new 'responsibilities''.

That is not an uncommon emotion to experience.

We hear these concerns often. Our advice: take it slowly, there is no rush. Make wise choices, take each day as it comes. Deal with the important issues first: accomodation, health, advocacy, services etc. Deal with the basics.

You will survive, you will adapt. Seek trusted supports and carers, and always reach out to those you trust.

But most importantly, enjoy your new life!


administrator, bbp_keymaster


  • Jane, 23 February 2023 @ 6:46 am

    Public trustees took over my mom life and never let go. She was a bird in a cage and died in her cage.

  • Marie, 22 February 2023 @ 3:20 pm

    So true words

  • Leibniz, 22 February 2023 @ 1:17 pm

    To be free, liberated, to choose freely on a daily basis what one does, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the life choices of others, is a democratic and fundamental right. Under a guardianship order this right is denied. Under a guardianship order the order recipient has no choice but to comply with the demands, under the paternalistic guise of best interest, with the guardian. Prisoners are denied their freedom. Very unenlightened draconian guardianship system.

  • john, 22 February 2023 @ 12:11 pm

    I felt lost when the orders were removed last year. My sister helped me and my best mate. One hospital visit and I was trapped for 2 years until I was released form my cage.

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